Animation How-To
Animation How-to CD.iso
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Text File
105 lines
start_frame 50
end_frame 200
total_frames 90 // don't worry about this.
outfile rock
include "\ply\colors.inc"
define norm frame/total_frames
define rocketz -28 + 28*norm
viewpoint {
from <0.20, 0.20,-14+14*norm>
up <0, 1, 0>
at <0,0.0,-10+14*norm>
angle 25
resolution 320,240
aspect 1.33
// the red rocket
define slot 0.05
define section
object {
cylinder <0,0,-0.5+slot>,<0,0, 0.5-slot>,0.2
define t1 <0,0,-4+rocketz>
define t2 <0,0,-3+rocketz>
define t3 <0,0,-2+rocketz>
define t4 <0,0,-1+rocketz>
define t5 <0,0, 0+rocketz>
define t6 <0,0, 1+rocketz>
define t7 <0,0, 2+rocketz>
define t8 <0,0, 3+rocketz>
define t9 <0,0, 4+rocketz>
define rocket
object {
object { section translate t1 }
+ object { section translate t2 }
+ object { section translate t3 }
+ object { section translate t4 }
+ object { section translate t5 }
+ object { section translate t6 }
+ object { section translate t7 }
+ object { section translate t8 }
+ object { section translate t9 }
+ object { cone <0, 0, 0>, 0.2, <0, 0, 1>, 0 translate t9+<0,0,0.5>}
light <0,0,0>
light <-5,0,10>
light <5,0,10>
background midnightblue
define launch_tube
object {
// the side chambers
object { cylinder <-2, 0,-16>, < 2, 0,-16>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2,-15>, < 0, 2,-15>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0,-14>, < 2, 0,-14>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2,-13>, < 0, 2,-13>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0,-12>, < 2, 0,-12>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2,-11>, < 0, 2,-11>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0,-10>, < 2, 0,-10>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, -9>, < 0, 2, -9>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, -8>, < 2, 0, -8>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, -7>, < 0, 2, -7>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, -6>, < 2, 0, -6>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, -5>, < 0, 2, -5>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, -4>, < 2, 0, -4>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, -3>, < 0, 2, -3>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, -2>, < 2, 0, -2>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 1>, < 0, 2, 1>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 0>, < 2, 0, 0>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 1>, < 0, 2, 1>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 2>, < 2, 0, 2>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 3>, < 0, 2, 3>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 4>, < 2, 0, 4>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 5>, < 0, 2, 5>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 6>, < 2, 0, 6>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 7>, < 0, 2, 7>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 8>, < 2, 0, 8>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 9>, < 0, 2, 9>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 10>, < 2, 0, 10>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 11>, < 0, 2, 11>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 12>, < 2, 0, 12>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 13>, < 0, 2, 13>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 14>, < 2, 0, 14>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder < 0,-2, 15>, < 0, 2, 15>, 1 }
+ object { cylinder <-2, 0, 16>, < 2, 0, 16>, 1 }
& ~object {cylinder < 0, 0,-18>, < 0, 0, 18>, 1}
texture {surface {color coral ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.8}}